Proving Full Funnel Attribution for Automotive Dealers | Adtaxi

Proving Full Funnel Attribution for Automotive Dealers

Digital Marketing

Jennifer Flanagan

Jun 23

Digital marketing has revolutionized the automotive industry and transformed dealer’s relationships to their customers. Still, one question has remained the same – how do you prove that your marketing efforts are actually leading to increased sales?

When it comes to automotive dealers, it’s particularly important to understand what strategies influenced a sale and what variables can be optimized to improve results. Multi-touch attribution is a customizable solution that relies on the data to ensure short term and long-term success to fit a business’s goals.

Success relies on solid foundation work. This includes knowing your audience and understanding your data. An attribution model will organize your campaign data into a clear path to conversion, giving appropriate credit to touch points along the way. 

To learn more about the steps to follow to not only have the resources you need to justify your budgets, but also earn the ability to continuously improve your campaigns and steadily increase your ROI over time, check out our webinar below. We prove how full-funnel attribution works and ways you can measure success.

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