Tracking Techniques and Trends
Tracking Techniques and Trends

Tracking Techniques and Trends


Olivia Hull

Sep 18

There isn’t a digital marketer out there who wouldn’t love to save money while boosting conversions. And no marketer wants to watch a failing campaign drag on.

But how can marketers gain the insights needed to stop or pivot ineffective campaigns, improve conversions, and maximize their marketing budget? 

They can do all this and more through digital performance tracking

Understanding Digital Performance Tracking

Digital performance tracking during a marketing campaign allows you to see how well your ad campaign is performing. It also helps you see the engagement level of the traffic (as well as the quality of the traffic) that is created through the campaign.

With digital performance tracking, you keep a closer eye on your marketing campaigns to:

-Use your budget more effectively
-Improve conversion rates
-Make more effective marketing decisions

Digital Performance Tracking Is Needed — Here’s Why

The benefits of digital performance tracking shouldn’t be overlooked — they do more than just give you greater insight into how your campaigns are performing for you. With digital performance management, you can get a better understanding of your data, analyze it, and make better, data-driven decisions. 

You’ll see your goals up front and center, and you’ll have real-time reporting. You’ll also have what you need to optimize your marketing campaigns thanks to detailed reports showing what is or isn’t working for you. Optimized campaigns help you reach your goals faster, allowing you to do more with your time and money, making digital performance tracking an absolute necessity for any business that hopes to thrive in today’s competitive market. 

Top Methods to Monitor and Track Digital Marketing Efforts 

The starting point for any digital marketing performance tracking is defining your goals and key performance indicators (KPIs). What do you need to measure, and what goals are you hoping to achieve by gathering that data? 

Here are a few examples. If you want to track the number of people who visit but bounce from your website, track:

-Bounce rate
-The total number of visitors
-The length of time people visit the landing page or site in general
-How many page views you have during a specific period of time
-The pages that users most often click away from

If you want to gather information to increase website traffic, you might gather many of the same pieces of information in addition to KPIs like session length. You might even use A/B testing to identify keywords that bring more people to your site. 

Once you know your goals, you’ll move on to selecting KPI tools to track this information. You have several options to choose from, including:

-Google Search Console
-Moz Pro

The exact tools you use to monitor your campaigns and track the KPIs matter less than doing the work to identify if you’re heading in the right direction toward your marketing goals. 

Tracking data alone isn’t enough to make a difference, nor is monitoring that data. You have to analyze it to make the most of it and then use it to make data-driven decisions for your business. You should start by measuring the data against your goals, past performance, and benchmarks. Then, once your measurement framework is in place, it’s time to analyze your data and identify patterns or trends that emerge. 

Some ways to analyze your data could be with diagnostic analysis, which allows you to ask why an outcome occurred by looking at the data, or through another technique such as predictive analysis, in which you use your data to predict and forecast future performance

Incorporating digital performance tracking into your marketing strategy is essential for ongoing success. No matter what process you use to monitor, analyze, and use your data, making digital performance tracking a part of your work can be the key to a successful marketing strategy. By keeping track of what works (and what doesn’t), you’ll position yourself to thrive in the future. 

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