Understanding the iOS 14 Updates and How to Minimize the Impact to Your Business
Digital Marketing
Apr 07
The ongoing Apple iOS 14 updates related to data privacy are creating waves for advertisers. The intention is to provide users with transparency on what data apps are tracking on mobile devices and how that data is being used. While this consumer driven push is good for privacy, advertisers are rightly concerned on how this will impact their digital campaign performance, targeting capabilities, and budget allocation.
This increased transparency magnifies the value exchange for convenience. Consumers are increasingly aware that ads contribute to their ability to access apps and websites for free. They just may not have been privy to the number of details that were being obtained in order to make this happen. Therefore, It’s imperative that brands explain not only what they are tracking but how this will enhance the user experience.
With consumers now in the driver’s seat more than ever, brands should be hyper focused on the customer experience with an increased emphasis on messaging. Rather than looking at this as more “red tape,” it should be seen as an opportunity to reach a more qualified audience with increased personalization.
For more information on the implications of the new data privacy requirements or actionable steps advertisers can take to minimize impact, check out our recent presentation at Digital Summit, “Advertising in the Age of Privacy: iOS 14 and Beyond.”
You can learn more specifics on Apple’s update, notable impacts to Facebook’s attribution, and ways to diversify your media mix by downloading the white paper.