Weekly Digital Breakdown – 7.17.20
Weekly Digital Breakdown
Jul 17
Google Adds Image Extensions
This week, Google officially launched beta testing for image extensions for search ads. With the addition, images will show when enabled and activated in campaign set-up on an ad impression.
Images will show on the right-hand side of text ads and can be applied to both responsive search ads (RSA) and expanded text ads (ETA). Images for the ads can be chosen manually or dynamically, depending on the advertiser’s preference.
Google also released the option of countdown ad customizers for responsive search ads. This will allow brands to dynamically show promotion timeline, creating urgency to push purchase decisions.
The news of these additions shows Google’s continued focus on these formats and creating dynamic options for advertisers. This not only allows for more flexibility with ad content but gives users a more personalized experience, driving purchase decisions faster.
Snapchat Gives Brands a Profile
In an effort to help businesses extend their reach on the platform, Snapchat has been running a closed beta test leveraging brand profiles. This is a significant shift to more eCommerce options from its previous strict focus on connecting friends. If implemented to the masses, brand profiles would allow users to connect and purchase without leaving the app, creating a more seamless shopping experience.
The brand profiles offer a permanent home for brands within Snapchat, creating authentic relationships and marketing opportunities that are customized. Brands will have the ability to utilize Branded AR Lenses, highlights, story posts, and an optional native store experience for browsing products and completing purchases.
Over the past few months, Snapchat has continued to focus on ways to make the platform more shopping accessible. Snap has a uniquely younger demographic, one of which brands are eager to get in front of, and by extending their offerings they are drawing more interest from brands and shoppers.
Politics May Stay Off Facebook Though November
On the heels of Facebook’s announcement to allow users to “turn off all social issues, electoral or political ads from candidates, Super PACs or other organizations that have the ‘Paid for by’ political disclaimer on them,” the company is considering a ban on political ads across Facebook and Instagram through the November election.
CEO Mark Zuckerberg has previously stated he would not monitor political ads in defense of free speech. However, the possible ad ban could be coming as a result of the recent boycott by brands to advertise on the platform. While a decision is not confirmed, it’s also important to note while this could curb the spread of misinformation, it could also limit the platform’s efforts to encourage voter registration and people from learning more about important issues.
People nationwide rely heavily on social media for news and real-time responses to current events. Limiting the flow of this information could potentially have a much larger impact. Facebook’s response to the current climate could help determine how other big tech companies react and how users proceed to get political information.