Digital Digest
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With more than 3.5 million Americans graduating from high school each year, it might seem that digital marketing efforts aren’t necessary for higher education institutions. After all, don’t America’s 4,000 degree-granting colleges and universities have…
Digital marketing is becoming increasingly crucial for the hospitality industry, as it offers businesses an efficient, cost-effective way to reach potential customers. It also provides businesses with the tools and strategies to create targeted campaigns…
Retail businesses face a complex challenge in the age of ecommerce. Accurately tying the extensive reach of online marketing activity to real-world outcomes requires a thorough understanding of your customer’s journey, from initial product discovery…
Free Digital Marketing Campaign Audit
When was the last time you reviewed your digital marketing? Auditing your campaigns is an effective way to identify what you’re doing right and where you need to improve. Our team of digital strategists can help you examine your metrics and make recommendations.
Reliable metrics form the foundation of a well-designed digital marketing strategy, but metrics alone won’t tell the whole story of a campaign’s impact — and where there’s room to improve. Instead of relying solely on metrics…
By now, you’re likely aware that Google planned to phase out third-party cookies in 2023 in an effort to encourage more private ways of tracking users on the web and step away from cookies that…
Market research is a much-needed window into how your customers, your key competitors, and your own business operations. In the age of fluid brand loyalty and fierce competition for user attention online, it’s important that…